Monday, May 12, 2014

Dreams I have

I had this dream last night. I was walking in a park and everything seem to be okay but then aliens came out and started to attack. I started to run. Like run really fast. Like I was running across states in seconds. As I was slowing down I remember that I had to be at work. And if I was late then I was going to get fired. Which looking back it I bet if aliens did attack going to work would be the least of my worries. 

Next thing that I knew I was a work helping aliens order some food. Which they order this weird alien food that we had for some reason. Which makes me thing that we are slaves to them at this point of the dream. After giving the aliens some food. The started to attack the employees working at the place because we didn't cook the food right. 

Again my super speed came into effect and I was 5 states away before they could kill me. Then I woke up. 

And the first thing I said to myself after all of that was "Damn, I was fast!"

Am I a professional?

The answer to that question is a big fat
In no way shape or form am I am professional at anything. But I do like to talk about movies and tv shows and things in that sort. Pretty much anything that I find to be fun then I am going to post on here! So let's do this!! Hope everyone will enjoy the content that I put on here!